To be able to distribute that unused portion of your income, you have to have a reliable source of income, and blockchain may also help you in that regard.
The creators of Blockstack have announced their startup as “the new Internet with decentralized applications.
Blockchain-based cloud storage
As we deal with unimaginably large amounts of data, there is a constant threat of our data being misused or compromised.
Provenance offers a great solution for identifying manufacturers, suppliers, vendors and buyers.
Blockchain-based entertainment platforms
One of the biggest nuisances in the entertainment industry is middlemen, who absorb much of the revenue from artists’ and fans’ plates.
Blockchain-based social media platforms
Although designed to be used as portals for communication and relationship building, the noise created by the vast flow of information on social media is difficult to curb.
Hashed health
This is a consortium of companies using distributed registry technology to improve the health care industry.